Bridgewater Group: Environmental ServicesBridgewater Group: Environmental ServicesBridgewater Group: Environmental ServicesBridgewater Group: Environmental Services

Travis Quarles

Travis Quarles has over 12 years of industrial environmental, health and safety management experience. Prior to joining Bridgewater in 2019, Travis was the Senior EHS Manager for a global heavy industrial metals manufacturing company, with responsibility for all aspects of environmental compliance for more than a dozen complex domestic and world-wide manufacturing facilties. 

Travis’ greatest proven strength is his problem-solving mentality, which he has applied across multi-media disciplines. His primary emphasis has been air permitting for complex industrial sites, including involvement with the public as a company representative as part of a unique Good Neighbor Agreement.

Travis has experience in site decommissioning, stormwater, wastewater, waste management,  site investigation, and corporate acquisition and merger due diligence.  He has also developed and implemented EHS Management Systems, including preparing technical, environmental and safety standards and programs.

(O) 503-212-2516 / (C) 503-327-9679

 Travis Quarles

B.S., Chemical Engineering, Oregon State University



Kent Norville, PhD

Dr. Norville is an atmospheric scientist and project manager.  Prior to joining Bridgewater Group in 2019, for the past 25 years, Kent specialized in air quality and permit dispersion modeling, data analysis, meteorological and ambient monitoring, and model development. 

He has extensive experience with a wide variety of models for a number of different public and private sector modeling applications.  Applications include: regulatory permit modeling, risk assessments, environmental impact statements, dust fall and deposition studies, meteorological and ambient monitoring program development and execution, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) development, meteorological data processing and validation, accidental release dispersion modeling, visibility modeling, water vapor cloud assessments, odor assessments, transportation conformity and hot spots dispersion modeling, vertical plume turbulence analyses, specialized modeling, and custom model development.

(O) 503-675-0904 / (C) 503-961-5147


B.S., Physics, California Polytechnic State University
PhD, Geophysics, University of Washington


John Browning, PE

John Browning has over 20 years experience in environmental consulting focusing on environmental permitting and compliance for fast track design and construction projects in the high technology industry and two years as part of the environmental management staff at a large material science company.

John's areas of expertise include characterizing environmental discharges from industrial facilities, preparing and obtaining environmental approvals and permits, and preparing and evaluating environmentally related operational plans.

In addition to John's primary practice focusing on air quality permitting and compliance issues, he also has extensive experience with industrial wastewater, hazardous waste, storm water, environmental due diligence, and spill prevention and planning throughout the U.S. and abroad.

(O) 503-212-2515 / (C) 503-412-9842


B.S., Civil Engineering, Oregon State University

Registrations and Certifications:
Professional Engineer: Oregon and Washington



Jeff Dresser, PE

For 35 years, Jeff Dresser has specialized in the development and implementation of environmental audit and multi-media compliance management programs, training program development and delivery, and enforcement/litigation support.  

Jeff assists clients in preparing and obtaining environmental permits and provides analysis of rulemaking from pre-proposal through final rulemaking. He frequently serves as an adjunct advisor/team member within the client's organization. In many engagements, he functions as a member of that organization.  

Recent and ongoing assignments include site investigation, site remediation, and litigation support for upland sites along the Willamette River and Portland Harbor Superfund Site, and development of contaminated media management plans for site redevelopment and decomissioned industrial facility transition planning. This experience also includes deconstruction and demolition project management, contract document preparation, contractort selection, project execution, waste, and recyclable materials management.

Jeff primarily works with clients within the mining and minerals, power generation and distribution, forest products, semiconductor and semiconductor equipment manufacturing, primary and secondary metals, aviation, and textile manufacturing sectors.

(O) 503-675-2735 / (C) 503-887-3519

M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Oregon State University - 1983
B.S., Civil Engineering, Oregon State University - 1981

Registrations and Certifications:
Professional Civil Engineer: Oregon
Professional Environmental Engineer: Oregon
Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL): Oregon


Aaron Leritz, RAB, LA

Aaron Leritz has over 25 years of experience working on virtually all facets of environmental management, regulatory compliance, permitting, and site management projects. He has experience with a wide range of private sector industries and public sector facilities.

Aaron has extensive experience developing, organizing, and leading regulatory compliance audit programs, property acquisition and due diligence assessments, stormwater source control evaluations, development of contaminated media management plans, electrical utility generation facility fatal flaw analysis and permitting, surface water assessments and permitting, hazardous waste management including RCRA Part B permit applications, preparation of comprehensive environmental management programs, including ISO 14001 conformant systems, soil, groundwater, and building material remedial investigations, feasibility studies (RI/FS), and remediation design and implementation, and environmental oversight of construction activities.

His experience in the private sector includes hard and soft rock mining, electrical and natural gas utilities, chemical and resin manufacturing, steel and metal processing and manufacturing facilities, forest products manufacturing facilities, commercial paint and coating manufacturing, construction sites, hazardous waste treatment and disposal facilities, and solid waste landfills. Public sector clients include cities, counties, port authorities, federal military installations, and Department of Energy facilities.

(O) 503-675-0297 / (C) 503-703-9690


B.S., Environmental Health, University of Washington - 1993

Registrations and Certifications:
RAB-Certified ISO 14001 Lead Auditor
Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL): Oregon


Justin Pounds, RG

Justin has over 16 years of environmental consulting experience in the public and private sectors. He specializes in environmental project management, site investigation and remediation, regulatory compliance, permitting, stormwater, and in-water work. Mr. Pounds also has experience in local, state, and federal air permitting and compliance assistance, emissions inventory development, and air toxics inventory development.

Justin assists clients with scopes of work, site characterizations and Phase II environmental site assessments for property transfers, remedial investigations/feasibility studies and source control evaluations under state cleanup programs, environmental site management plans, leaking underground storage tanks, stormwater plans, and cleanup actions at contaminated sites for both private and government clients.

He has managed a wide variety of hazardous-waste and petroleum-contaminated sites, including marine terminals, airport facilities, bulk terminals, dry cleaners, and wood preserving facilities.  Justin's primary clients include forest product manufacturing and export facilities, mining operations, port authorities, marine facilities, petroleum sites, construction companies, and various manufacturing facilities.

(O) 503-675-0903 / (C) 503-410-4763

B.S., Environmental Science, University of Oregon - 2002

Registrations and Certifications:
Registered Geologist: Oregon, No. G2487


Anna Maria St. John, RG, PG, LHG

Anna St. John has over 20 years of experience in project management and site characterization, including soil, groundwater, stormwater, surface water, and sediment investigations; aquifer characterization; groundwater assessments and beneficial water use assessments; and groundwater and contaminant transport-and-fate modeling for industrial and municipal clients. She develops scopes of work and manages Phase I and II environmental site assessments for property transfers, remedial investigations/feasibility studies and source control evaluations under state cleanup programs, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act facility investigations, and groundwater evaluations. She is familiar with environmental issues associated with high-tech, manufacturing, forest products, wood preserving, and chemical storage facilities.

She also provides technical support for insurance cost recovery purposes, allocation, and testimony during trials.

Anna has extensive experience negotiating with regulators on behalf of clients and working with groups of potentially responsible parties and attorneys. Her approach to project management emphasizes responsiveness, efficiency, cost effectiveness, and closure.

(O) 503-675-2737 / (C) 503-312-4676


Anna St. John

M.S., Geohydrology, Portland State University, 1993
B.S., Geology, Portland State University, 1991
B.A., Biology, Mt. Holyoke College, 1985

Registrations and Certifications:
Registered Geologist: Oregon, No. G1427
Licensed Hydrogeologist: Washington, No. 969
Professional Registered Geologist: Idaho, No. 970

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